Our company specializes in the purchase of old toy Hot Wheels by Mattel. We have been buying and selling old Mattel Hot Wheels since 1988. We have literally bought and sold 10’s of thousands of old Mattel Hot Wheels since then. We pride ourselves in knowing that we have have the knowledge to accurately grade your old vintage Hot Wheels and related items. Understanding grading is key to obtaining the best possible return for you the seller. We hope to impress you with our friendly service and straight forward pricing.
Sell with confidence knowing that you are dealing with a reputable dealer.
Learn more about our company by browsing the page below, or visit our complete promotional website at OldHotWheelsBuyer.com by following the link below.
Buying Rare Hot Wheels Since 1988
At TOIZRIT, we are always looking to buy good quality Redline Hot Wheels in their package or out. Let us know what you have. You can call me with your list of cars or email us your list.

Individual Hot Wheels

We buy loose original Hot Wheels dated 1967-77 with the Red Stripe on their tires. If your cars say made in Malaysia or China you do not have the original Hot Wheels. You have reissues.
Different Styles

Mattel manufactured many different styles besides the standard Hot Wheels. We also purchase Sizzlers, Chopcycles, and Rrumblers. The more complete the set, the better!
Beaten or Worn Hot Wheels

If your vintage Hot Wheels are beaten and well used then you learned a valuable lesson to not let your friends or brothers play with your toys because they are now worth nothing! Lets hope yours are in better condition.

Toizrit Inc. in the News
In 1998 Mattel’s public relations firm selected Jon Bertolio to be a collector spokesperson. He was flown out to Los Angeles, CA. where he then did about 10 live televised TV interviews with Gary Swisher, Director Of Design, for Mattel Hot Wheels.
Toizrit, Inc. was also listed on Mattel’s Stock Report in 1998 with a similar press release stating his company’s functions with regards to Hot Wheels.
Toizrit, Inc. and Jon Bertolino have been written about in magazines and newpapers including Chicago Tribune, Lakeland Times, and Sport Compact Auto Magazine.
Buying Old Hot Wheels
and Vintage Toys
Since 1988
Toizrit Inc. History
Jon Bertolino, founder of Toizrit Inc., has been collecting Hot Wheels for over 27 years. He has been a featured collector spokesman for the brand on numerous live TV shows and been recognized extensively by Mattel for his contributions to the collector community. His clients are spread thoughout the world. Learn how more about how Toizrit Inc. got its start by following the link below.